Previous Episode: Brief Overview on Anxiety

Natalie's take-away pieces of advice: 

Be watchful for social media accounts that are telling you how to think instead of encouraging you to learn.We shouldn't be forced to pick a side. Be wary of those telling you it's one or the other.Identify. Challenge. Replace.Be the change.Protect your mental health. As hard as it is, try to stay away from the media. Or unfollow/mute accounts that are causing pain during this time. Be present with those around you. If every post you see is negative towards the police, you'll start to think and believe everyone thinks that way (guilty!) but is it really the case? I've noticed that once I did a fair bit of unfollowing, the support started to shine through. And remember there are a lot of silent supporters. Seek out accounts that are sharing the good things.

Find Natalie's blog article on creating change and overcoming prejudice here:

Visit Natalie's blog- Family Makes Cents (frugal living and intentional motherhood):