Previous Episode: Depression

About Emma: 

Emma grew up in the suburbia of New Jersey. From a young age she had a love for all things blue because her grandfather had been a State Trooper. When she was old enough she attended the New Jersey State Police week-long academy experience. Throughout high school she worked at a farmer’s market and alongside her friend and mentor, Barbara, rapidly developing a love for all things agriculture. After graduating high school, she moved down south to pursue farming in a hands-on internship, during which she also dated her now husband, who is a country police officer. They were married in January of this year, and enjoy life on their small homestead startup. 

A piece of advice from LEOW Emma: 

Remember that your strength can’t come from a finite source, a store that can be depleted. I’ve definitely tried to do everything on my own before, hold everything together by myself, and every time I just end up burnt out. My strength truly comes from Christ, reading the word of God and prayer. When I don’t have to rely on myself to “keep it all together”, it frees me up to do the second most important thing, whether you’re a police wife or not: just enjoy the little things. The little moments in life. Focus on the here and now. In the words of Jim Elliot, “Live to the hilt”. 


Cool things mentioned:

The 5 Love Languages

Brene Brown's Empathy vs Sympathy video

Emma's IG: @forget_me_knotbond