Here at Blossom Strong, we love food.

And we are all about talking about gleaning purpose out of the things we consume. No matter what our history and past is with food, we all consume proteins, fats and carbohydrates to live. On this episode, Blanche and Esther sit down with Kat Benson, RDN to talk about how food can help us accomplish our goals in fitness.

03:47 Food is neutral - there are no "good" or "bad" foods
05:33 Macros create our food
05:54 The purpose and benefits of carbohydrates: quick energy
06:55 Protein: helps us feel full
07:30 Fats: aid in hormones and helps us stay feeling full
10:07 How pairing certain macros help us achieve different goals
13:48 Have kindness toward yourself and your food choices
16:36 Health is not just physical. Health is the complete physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing.
18:05 What is the importance of drinking water?
20:54 Are we eating for two when pregnant?
24:10 Balance the amount and nutrition of foods while breastfeeding
29:30 Should I limit my caffeine and coffee intake while pregnant?
31:40 Our bodies crave different nutrient to help sustain us
34:55 Avoid cravings by eating balanced, eating more and eating fewer highly sweet options
38:00 Reframing the way we talk about foods as accomplishing our goals rather than being "clean" or "good/bad" for us
38:40 Easting food is not a moral choice
42:00 The importance of helping promote a healthy relationship with food for our children
42:53 Pose positive outlooks and opportunities to involve your children in food choices and preparation
47:10 Establish five goals that you want to accomplish and align your eating choices to make those goals a reality
52:00 The power of making food choices
52:36 Have specific questions for Kat?  Find her online at, on Instagram @unlockednutrition and on YouTube, or connect by sending her an email to [email protected]