Fall is HERE + so is the a shift of energy that comes with it. Rather than waiting for the New Year to focus on shifting our ways to induce more progress in all areas of life: relationships, health, finances, business; I'm sharing thought ideas + practicable ways to lean into those shifts NOW aligned with FALL's arrival.. t's not only being proactive to achieve our goals but it's making the positive effects & results LONG STANDING. Why wait for the New Year to kick ass + get ahead when we can start NOW?! In this new episode I suggest ideas that support that objective so that when 2019 arrives, we are way ahead of the game and on target to accomplishing what we aim to achieve withIN + Out. Check out www.blackbeltbeauty.com for the full breakdown which includes 1 of my personal shifts that has made a HUGE impact on my inner and outer PROGRESS. 

I would love to hear your thoughts on this episode so please hit me with them on IG via @blackbeltbeauty or @roxylook 

Your feedback means everything to me and supports my mission to continue creating content that adds value to your life. 

Happy Labor Weekend and CHEERS to KICKING ASS this Fall together!
