This week’s Solosode is about one of my favorite subjects: CONSCIOUSNESS.

This is such an important topic because it’s from our level of consciousness that we form our beliefs, thoughts, behaviors, and perspectives...which ultimately shape our entire lives. The more aligned we can become to our inner truth through SELF-Mastery + awareness, the more we can operate with grace, curiosity, and compassion.

In this episode I share…

How to recognize your level of consciousness + the level of consciousness of others without judgment

The core attributes that make up your SELF-identity + how to authentically shape them

Introspective questions to ask yourself to become more aware of your current belief system + energetic vibration

Why certain words resonate more deeply with you + what this actually means (remember, words cast SPELLS)

How to elevate your state of consciousness and live as your most sovereign SELF

Let me know how this episode impacted you via IG in the comments, DMs + story shares, and tag @roxylook + @blackbeltbeauty -- I LOVE connecting with you. 

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QUEEN, Are you ready to meet your GREATEST SELF + HER OPULENT REALITY? My Future-Self course is your effective BLUEPRINT to help you actualize HER. Click here to get on my FUTURE-SELF digital course waitlist

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