Do you ever wonder what happens when the police leave? Crime scene cleaners are private companies that handle to clean up after the police are gone. Spaulding Decon is one of the nation's largest cleanup companies handling the aftermath of homicides, suicides, decompositions, hoarding, and much more. These are our stories. So I'm getting ready to go in for the initial shock. I can smell biohazard pet waste and I can smell the ammonia from the cats. The walls are yellowing from the smoke- from smoking inside the building. This is a- this is just- there’s a cat that just ran back that way. This is a huge case of depression. This isn’t the worst. We’ve seen far worse. I don’t have any gloves on right now, so I'm just trying to kick the doors open. There’s animal waste everywhere. Everywhere, I’m not going to venture any further in right now cause I am not fully dressed up for this but I just kind of wanted to see what we were working with. I feel like I wish you guys had smell-o-vision so you could actually smell what we’re smelling right now. It's actually burning my nose. I feel like my nose hairs are sizzling from the ammonia. We are at a hoarder’s home here. We are starting in the garage and we have our big dumpster. I’m suited up because we are going to be going inside and its got a lot of animal waste and its probably knee-high with trash and stuff. So I’ve got this on here. I’ll probably wear a respirator since the ammonia levels are decently high.

She has 2 cats but she has 2 dogs as well, and they’ve never been let out. It's just really 8 years of accumulation. It breaks my heart because I have 2 dogs- 2 teacup Yorkies- and Laura said that the dogs that are here are identical to mine and mine are spoiled rotten. It's heartbreaking. We’re an animal-loving company we all have animals it's gut-wrenching to me.

Kyle: Just knowing like my dogs are inside
Laura: Yeah
Kyle: Fucking kills me
Laura: But the hardest part is knowing she didn’t do this on purpose
Kyle: No, no this is a clear case of depression
Laura: It's hard. It's hard.
Kyle: What?... That fucking thing was heavy
Laura: Yeah fucking speed it up. Knees to the chest!
Kyle: Knees to chest, bitch.Kyle and Laura: Knees to the chest!
Laura: Let’s do this!
Kyle: Go ahead. Can you? 1..2..3
Juan: This job is a little nasty but it's not so hard. It's an easy job. To do a hoarding... that’s easy.
Ben: You could tell she was really depressed. You could tell she was going through something.
Kyle: I love total cleanouts because it makes life so much simpler not having to pick and choose. We only have a tiny list.
Laura: Right, but also it like a huge transformation and biohazard remediation. I love the before and after
Kyle: oh 100%. Instant satisfaction.
Laura and Kyle: ♪ we are family leave♪
Kyle: No we’re not. Don’t even try.
Kyle: There are 2 that are seen. I am waiting for the 3rd. I will cry if it's up my leg.
Laura: Where did they go?
Kyle: I don’t know which is why I'm freaking out
Laura: Oh, I thought you guys put them outside or something
Ben: No, they started going up the wall so I left them alone.
Kyle: I swear to god. It's not a spider though I couldn’t tell that from far away.
Laura: What are these poor cats eating?
Kyle: Leftovers on the floor. You have to look at the expiration on it. 2008?!? No!
Kyle: They'll die. They're better off eating roaches. I want to give you an update on the hoarding situation here in Pasco County, Florida. We are probably 6 1/2 hours into the cleanup. There are 5 of us here. We have already dumped one large trailer of this size and now we almost have the second one completely full here. So this is 24 cubic yards of biohazard waste. It holds up to 2 1/2 to 3 tons right there. But we started off with the garage and we are using it as a staging area for very few keep items that she wanted to keep which was really just jewelry, purses, and pictures. So this room was pretty bad here. It was probably knee-high maybe a little higher. The kitchen had a ton of spiders and roaches. So it was challenging to get them all in garbage bags. So follow me. We found food from 2008 and I mean it was really old stuff you can see on the floor finally. There are still tons of spiders and tons of fast food and food packages. We're really going to end up throwing 99% of all her house away and she's gonna start fresh so this was probably stacked I would say about 4 ft high. Then this room, we're working on this now we couldn't even walk in here so at least now you can see some carpet and then we have all of this debris here so you know she's only keeping like this TVand stuff but take a look at the ceiling fan that is years of accumulation. You have tons of feces back here to the bed so it looks like they were using this room for their bathroom. You know, animals want to be clean but when you leave them alternatives, they don't really have anywhere else to go so. 

Now in this room you can see tons and tons of bags of cat food and we have a couple more hours here this project will take us probably two days to do a clean-out of five people and then two days to really deep clean it and get it you know we're all these spiderwebs and everything or on the ground, we're gonna pull this carpet up we're gonna pull the padding up and she is going to start fresh which is fantastic because she's gonna get a brand new beginning andI'm happy to give it to her. 

Ben: Monday if she's having flooring guy comment I'm just gonna also have a painter commend she doesn't need to replace any of their fixtures because we were able to clean them in salvaged out bathroom we've all used it at least twice today bedroom cobwebs are actually on the outside everything on the inside is clean we remove the floors wipe everything down since she's painting and redoing the floors we left them aside for her be easier for her new crew to come in and see carousel hallway. Again the closet the limits this is the worst room in the whole actually with the equal matter you see here it's actually gonna have a hard laminate or tile pudding so she's having all the tax dripping ripped up because we weren't able to actually clean it. We could have done that pushing things in you a-hole reader. I think we do provide hope and I think we provide a new beginning a new lease on life a new start and this house is the perfect scenario she lost her entire family eight years ago she's in a deep depression and she's living in filth because this is the way that she feels inside and just from the first time meeting her she's so embarrassed and she's so sad and I just wanted to help her and I want to transform this house to where when she comes home. She's actually happy to be home and she's not living in spiders and roaches and milk from 2017 and you know the stench in here is just for it the cat's the dogs there are feces everywhere, so no one should have to live like that and it's just super sad that someone can get that depressed that they want their environment to match how they feel on the inside. It's just super sad and you know I think the biggest misconception that I see from our followers and viewers is they think the hoarders are lazy and that honestly could not be further from the truth. They're not lazy, they are debilitated by depression and I know everyone has had a bad day and they've been depressed or sad at some point in their life where you just want to lay on the couch all day well that day that you're laying on the couch you're probably not putting your trash in a bag and taking it out imagine that every single day for years and that's what's causing these people to do this. They are not lazy at all they're just debilitated by depression and a tragic event that happened in their life.