Do you ever wonder what happens when the police leave crime scenes and cleaners or private companies that handle to clean up after the police are gone? Spalding decon is one of the nation's largest cleanup services companies handling the aftermath of homicides suicides decompositions Auden and much more. These are stories. Somebody else compartments from 2009, not everybody bombs your own away so the theory behind this is a bunch of squatters have walked in and destroyed this poor woman's house while she is in another state. If you look around, this is my first time here. The smells are horrific and this is the kitchen it's pretty much self-explanatory at this point we're gonna go upstairs. There are three floors in the house and I haven't even seen photos, so this is like the real and there was a dog in her bathroom. Here, the bathroom looks disgusting. This is the second-floor living area but it's definitely gonna be an all-day job, as well. We'll go upstairs to the other floors. I'm not sure how there's glass up here and right here on this landing, we've come to another bedroom that they have literally just ransacked and destroyed all of her personal items and are in here. We're gonna try to save as much as we can, as much as we absolutely can

do. Deep cleaning in here and I don't think it calls for respirators or tiebacks it's just really really dirty.

We'll go up to the fourth floor because there's another set of stairs and we're here to help in all situations. Mattresses, I'm sure gonna end up going put a little white. It's gonna be a rough one they were smoking in here and stay tuned for in this process and for the finale, we don't know what this job looks like.  Here, this place just seems so disgusting like I knew that disinfected that right. Now just start walking in the building, like they were a smoker smells like vanilla cigarettes. Somebody kicked off their dirty shoes and suicide and we have no idea what happened. This was a surprise we got the text message yesterday. While we were in the middle of a hoard we did it, not for he was in. I was in the moment 100% but we passed like six or seven super lives and every time he's gonna scream, the super loop it's gonna be a lot of disposals. A lot of sorting for stuff that we can save and I would definitely say it's gonna need a deep-clean which we'll do after. The fact as well the bathroom downstairs is probably gonna be the hardest and I'm overwhelmed to think that people can destroy other people's things and when you're doing it yourself and you're destroying your own property it's one thing when you're destroying and living off with somebody else it's totally different. Clean you know make really bad anybody mastery.

I'm going and I'm trying not to contaminate, any other area in the bedroom so at this point I'm removing the biohazard. So we can continue to remove all of the furnishings and that way we're not contaminating the rest of them and anybody, the tiny thing is the only reason that I feel like we need to wear the respirators right now is that we're dealing with carpet. This is an old carpet and it's glued down it being glued down and has actually saved us a lot of extra work because of the glue acts as a barrier for the subfloor. I'm gonna flip it over so you see what

this actually is and it's a towel, I thought it vomited or somebody took a giant shit but it's not it's rust. I think somebody overflowed the sink and the mold up top that's coming from upstairs this is probably gonna stain the little chest but the sink isn't being kept at. What I'm trying to do is to make it more pleasing to the eye for the final walkthroughs and you wipe it away. Well sink astray the mold out and that's a lot of I don't know. I don't want to work with and we're not equipped with mold so all of us just close the door. I just want a set handjob and we don't

have the equipment for the mold to know and that is full. When we run into a little bit of an issue with that bathroom and we're going to take

the vanity out the whole bathroom and it is completely covered in mold. I don't actually feel comfortable because we're not equipped for a much. All right a little over on the bio side, so that way we don't have to worry about any customer getting on. I'm actually gonna spray the

indicator to see if the carpet soaked in any of the bios and if it went down to the glue on the floor, so you can see I sprayed the indicator and it lit up like Christmas. All of this is actually contaminated with biohazard. 

We starting to deep clean up the biohazard so all and I'm using this great break and get it off before I standardize the flooring and obviously there's no warning down here, just concrete now get everything off. I can wash it and scrub it with a super-strong cleaning disinfecting and then once that's dry we can paint it and we're not paying today, but whoever comes in the hereafter we can paint it with pills and block it. The odor and mold blocker we'll get most of the odor out of the concrete key chin and it is much better and the bridge is gone. The bridge is really rooted and the smells are so bad and everything that looks 10 times better.