Nach einem Vierteljahr (whaaaat?!) wieder da mit einer neuen Episode. Da ist aber alles drin, was man so von uns gewohnt ist. Neues von uns, diesmal keine Paper, sondern eine Master-Arbeit aus der Reihe "OER-TÜV" und eine Editorial zu MOOCs, der Fundgrube, etwas Politik aus Schleswig-Holstein und einer Weltverbesserungsidee.

Die Folge haben wir am 02.03.2023 aufgenommen.

Intro & Feedback

Nicht nur wir meinten, dass es nichts bringt, Tools zum Lernen zu verbieten. André hat uns da auf zwei weitere Beiträge hingewiesen: von Beat Doebeli (Blogbeitrag dazu) und von Maik Riecken. Passend dazu auch die Rules for Tools (PDF) von Christian Spannagel.


Rundfunktanzorchester Ehrenfeld
H5P Game Map

Plugin Learning Map für Moodle, Anleitung dazu bei Martina Rüter

H5P Transcript


Anmeldung fürs EduCamp Westküste (Ausschreibung
Muster-OER-Policy von Twillo, nächstes Austauschforum am 03.05.2023
ChatGPT: Webinarreihe von der dghd

Paper+O: OER-TÜV

Solstad, Hanna Eide

A comparison of manual and automated quality assessment of Open Educational Resources and their reliability Abschlussarbeit

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2022.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


title = {A comparison of manual and automated quality assessment of Open Educational Resources and their reliability},

author = {Hanna Eide Solstad},

url = {},

year = {2022},

date = {2022-06-01},

urldate = {2023-03-03},

institution = {Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Department of Computer Science},

school = {Norwegian University of Science and Technology},

abstract = {The fourth Sustainable Development Goal is to: "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all". UNESCO considers Open Educational Resources (OER) vital in achieving this. OERs are educational material shared under an open license permitting free access, use, adaption, and redistribution under few restrictions. The OER movement has regained attention, with COVID-19 forcing millions to study from home. However, there are many challenges to continued growth. One of the most crucial challenges is quality control. Current approaches are mainly built on manual reviews, which are time-consuming and expensive.

This thesis proposes a white-box algorithm that combines theoretical quality knowledge with measurable metrics to give a quality score. The algorithm was developed for the educational resource type Interactive Videos created with the framework H5P. I performed a comparative study of the algorithm and the most adopted approach: manual reviews. 23 H5P users were recruited to perform 107 manual reviews of 57 OERs. The manual reviews scored different quality factors, two overall scores, and could add a comment for each resource. The data were then used to find the degree of agreement between the two methods and their reliability.

The result was low to moderate degree of agreement between the manual reviews and algorithm scores. That means that the algorithm can be a suitable approach in certain cases, but mostly as an addition to other methods. However, the most crucial finding was the low reliability of the manual reviews. The reviews were highly subjective and this has significant implications for this study and all research using reviews as a data source. Future studies need to continue to work on automated approaches but consider how they can be evaluated correctly},

howpublished = {Master’s thesis in Master of Technology in Computer Science},

keywords = {},

pubstate = {published},

tppubtype = {mastersthesis}



The fourth Sustainable Development Goal is to: "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all". UNESCO considers Open Educational Resources (OER) vital in achieving this. OERs are educational material shared under an open license permitting free access, use, adaption, and redistribution under few restrictions. The OER movement has regained attention, with COVID-19 forcing millions to study from home. However, there are many challenges to continued growth. One of the most crucial challenges is quality control. Current approaches are mainly built on manual reviews, which are time-consuming and expensive.

This thesis proposes a white-box algorithm that combines theoretical quality knowledge with measurable metrics to give a quality score. The algorithm was developed for the educational resource type Interactive Videos created with the framework H5P. I performed a comparative study of the algorithm and the most adopted approach: manual reviews. 23 H5P users were recruited to perform 107 manual reviews of 57 OERs. The manual reviews scored different quality factors, two overall scores, and could add a comment for each resource. The data were then used to find the degree of agreement between the two methods and their reliability.

The result was low to moderate degree of agreement between the manual reviews and algorithm scores. That means that the algorithm can be a suitable approach in certain cases, but mostly as an addition to other methods. However, the most crucial finding was the low reliability of the manual reviews. The reviews were highly subjective and this has significant implications for this study and all research using reviews as a data source. Future studies need to continue to work on automated approaches but consider how they can be evaluated correctly



Wer sich für einen “OER-TÜV” interessiert, der sollte sich mal dieses Paper ansehen.

OER-Schnell-Checks von Twillo und von der bpb
Center of Open Education Research (COER)

Paper+A: 10 Jahre nach Euphorie und Weltuntergang

Jordan, Katy; Goshtasbpour, Fereshte

JIME Virtual Special Collection – 2012 to 2022: The Decade of the MOOC Artikel

In: Journal of Interactive Media in Education, Bd. 2022, Ausg. 1, 2022, ISSN: 1365-893X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


title = {JIME Virtual Special Collection – 2012 to 2022: The Decade of the MOOC},

author = {Katy Jordan and Fereshte Goshtasbpour},

url = {},

doi = {10.5334/jime.757},

issn = {1365-893X},

year = {2022},

date = {2022-05-25},

journal = {Journal of Interactive Media in Education},

volume = {2022},

issue = {1},

abstract = {In a New York Times article, Pappano (2012) declared 2012 as ‘the year of the MOOC’. It was a year which saw a surge in interest in this new, open form of online higher education. While the initial hype around Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) subsided and their form has changed significantly from the first large-scale courses, more learners than ever are registered with the platforms, which have attracted substantial levels of investment. In this special collection, we bring together articles published in the Journal of Interactive Media in Education over the past ten years, which have focused upon MOOCs from a diverse range of research perspectives. First, we provide an overview of major events and trends in relation to MOOCs over the past ten years. We then take a closer look at the 25 papers published in JIME and included in the virtual special collection, arranged in relation to four main themes, including: situating MOOCs; learning design and roles; MOOCs and languages; and accessibility and inclusion.},

keywords = {},

pubstate = {published},

tppubtype = {article}



In a New York Times article, Pappano (2012) declared 2012 as ‘the year of the MOOC’. It was a year which saw a surge in interest in this new, open form of online higher education. While the initial hype around Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) subsided and their form has changed significantly from the first large-scale courses, more learners than ever are registered with the platforms, which have attracted substantial levels of investment. In this special collection, we bring together articles published in the Journal of Interactive Media in Education over the past ten years, which have focused upon MOOCs from a diverse range of research perspectives. First, we provide an overview of major events and trends in relation to MOOCs over the past ten years. We then take a closer look at the 25 papers published in JIME and included in the virtual special collection, arranged in relation to four main themes, including: situating MOOCs; learning design and roles; MOOCs and languages; and accessibility and inclusion.



Im Editorial des JIME haben die Autorinnen die letzten 10 Jahre MOOC-Entwicklung beschrieben und analysiert.

Laura Pappano (2012): „Year of the MOOCs„, New York Times, November 2012.
EMOOCs 2023


Projekte, Tools, Apps… das sind doch bürgerliche Kategorien. Wir packen einfach alles in die Fundgrube:

Anjas Tweet, der von ChatGPT formuliert wurde
Learn Promting
Beliebte H5P-Contenttypen
Website of the Year 2022
Podcast „Studio Komplex“

Politik+Alt+Entf: Open Source in Schleswig-Holstein?

Open-Source-Strategie in Schleswig-Holstein: Pressemitteilung vom 19.06.2020.


24. bis 26. März 2023: EduCamp Westküste in Heide (#ecwk23)

DAS Bildungs-BarCamp, zum ersten Mal in Schleswig-Holstein
31. März bis 02. April 2023: Edunautika in Hamburg (#edunautika)

Ein famoses Bildungs-BarCamp mit Heimspiel im Bereich der Reformpädagogik


Das Educamp ist ein kostenloses Bildungs-BarCamp. Nach der pandemiebedingten Pause für Präsenzveranstaltungen lassen sich Sponsoren nur sehr schwer finden. Spenden an den Verein sind daher sehr gern gesehen.
Katharina Nocun produziert einen fantastischen Podcast, der sehr viel professioneller produziert ist, als unserer. Sie schaltet keine Werbung, sondern finanziert sich rein über Spenden.

Diese und andere Weltverbesserungsideen findet man auch gesammelt hier.

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