Tim McAlpine has a deep understanding of credit unions, entrepreneurship, and running a small business. Tim McAlpine is the founder and CEO of Currency Marketing, and the founder of Cowork Chilliwack. He is also a creative entrepreneur, father, husband,  Director for Mount Lehman Credit Union and Director for Chilliwack Economic Partners Corporation. He is also the organizer for TEDx Chilliwack and the Director for Startup Grind.

His mindset of revamping and updating your business plan is sets a strong example for other business owners.  In his full Bigger Than Me Podcast interview, Mr. McAlpine says “Don’t fall in love with the solution, fall in love with the problem”, which is great advice for individuals considering starting their own business.

Cowork Chilliwack: https://www.coworkchilliwack.com/

Currency Marketing: https://www.currencymarketing.ca/about

Starting a business? Here are great local resources:

Stó:lō Community Futures offers support services for Indigenous owned/controlled businesses within S'ólh Téméxw, the Stó:lō Traditional Territory from Fort Langley to Yale, on both sides of the Fraser River.  Our offers include business counseling, access to loan capital programs, business training workshops, and growth guidance. Visit their website to get started: https://www.stolocf.ca/

Community Futures South Fraser serves small business owners and entrepreneurs in Chilliwack and Abbotsford.  They provide basic business advisory services including free one-on-one coaching conversations for small to medium-sized business owners. If you’re wanting to grow your business in a specific way, we have a specialist that can help. Visit their website to get started: https://southfraser.com/

Community Futures North Fraser serves small business owners and entrepreneurs in Harrison Hot Springs, Agassiz and Mission. They provide basic business advisory services including free one-on-one coaching conversations for small to medium-sized business owners. If you’re wanting to grow your business in a specific way, we have a specialist that can help. Visit their website to get started: https://northfraser.org/