Aaron visited John Borrows on Vancouver Island to discuss Indigenous law, the queen and reconciliation. Borrows shares his mother’s influence in learning Anishinaabe law, and for the passion he has for teaching Indigenous laws.

John Borrows is a Canadian academic, jurist, and a full professor at the University of Toronto Law School where he is the Loveland Chair in Indigenous Law. He is known as a leading authority on Canadian Indigenous Law and constitutional law and is an Officer of the Order of Canada. Borrows is Anishinaabe/Ojibway, and a member of the Chippewas of the Nawash First Nation in Ontario, Canada. Borrows, along with his colleague Val Napoleon, was instrumental in creating the joint common law and Indigenous law degree (JD/JID) program at the University of Victoria Faculty of Law, the first program in a Canadian law school to allow an integrated study of the Canadian common law and indigenous legal traditions. The program is a four-year program, and opened in Fall 2018.

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