Aaron sat down with Marvin Rosenau to learn about the current state of the Fraser River. The river has been impacted by over-fishing, larger dykes, and floods. Marvin is a biologist that has spent years studying the fish populations and habitats. In this conversation he explains the damage and risks the Fraser River faces.

Marvin is an instructor in the Fish Wildlife and Recreation Program (FWR) at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT).  At BCIT he teaches Fish Ecology and Management as well as Environmental Monitoring at the second year level. Marvin has had a 35-year history of working in freshwater fisheries in the province of British Columbia.  This includes stints as a consultant, in academia, with the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission and with the provincial Ministry of Environment. Marvin worked extensively on lower Fraser River white sturgeon during the 1990s as a BC fisheries program biologist and as a Director and member of the Science Committee with the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society. He has a BSc (Honours) and an MSc from the Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, and a DPhil from the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand.

Learn more about the Heart of the Fraser: https://movingimages.ca/products/the-heart-of-the-fraser

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0:00:00 Introduction

0:09:11 Biodiversity

0:37:56 The Impact of Hydro Dams

1:02:03 Fish Migration 

1:22:19 The Problems with Fish Farms

1:36:39 Sea Lice Killing Fish

1:38:50 The Cohen Commission on Fish

2:10:11 The Fraser River

2:17:52 The Heart of the Fraser Documentary 

2:23:03 What Can First Nations Communities Do? 

2:35:59 What Can People Do to Support the Fraser River?

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