Jordan’s perspective is profoundly respectful of the kids he works with, (even, and perhaps especially, the so-called ‘troublemakers’). The foundational philosophy of Jordan’s approach is that kids, all kids, have everything they need to succeed… within themselves… and he’s just there to help them bring it out from within themselves… which is why our conversation eventually came around to the most powerful motivating engine of all: personal responsibility… which, I hope you’ll agree, is an essential component of social, emotional and lifeskills development.

Jordan earned a bachelor's degree in business marketing with a minor in social and personality psychology from San Diego State University, where he was recognized as a top student leader, and, at graduation, he received 24 job offers from the corporate world (companies like Amazon, Salesforce, 3M, HP and others wanted to hire him).  Jordan acknowledges that the money would have been great, but it just wasn’t a motivator for him … so he went on to earn his Master's in Education at Harvard University ('18) as an Urban Scholar Fellow focusing on Prevention Science and Practice and positive youth development where he focused on learning highly effective ways to help students work through trauma, societal challenges, as well as gaining insight into the wide reaching benefits of social-emotional learning.

If you’d like to learn more about Jordan and his impactful work, check out his website : because I actually could have spent another 10 minutes, at least, during the introduction to this episode, highlighting his many admirable achievements …

… on another note …

During the conversation Jordan and I just shared, I briefly referenced Dr. Ross Greene, who has very effectively observed and responded to the fact that, “Kids do well if they can,” which clearly is a philosophy totally in line with Jordan’s efforts at developing kids’ personal responsibility. Dr. Ross Greene is definitely worth a Google search.