Documentation has been deemed necessary by the profession of early childhood education, which is why I think you'll appreciate ANN PELO's  approach to reclaiming the task  as one that is rich with potential to name and honor each child’s uniquely lived experiences of joy, grief, angst, curiosity, intelligence, their unique proclivities, and ... you know … the full range … (in addition, of course, to reporting on what each child has done, said, learned and accomplished).

Ann shines her bright light of heartfull wisdom and well-reasoned insight on the task of documentation for the profound purpose of inspiring teachers to be fully intentional about observing and acknowledging… not just WHAT happens in each child’s day at school, but the meaning (the human heart of each child’s story… by telling stories that matter about each child's life… that will matter going forward, because what we observe and DOCUMENT, will permeate how we relate to those children in our care… which will have major impacts on our expectations, our judgments, our openness to the ALL of who each one of them is … which, as Ann will explain in our conversation, very definitely has an impact on their social and emotional learning and development. It might seem subtle, but actually, the impact isn’t that subtle… its reverberations are quite pronounced.

Ann warmly, and with great love, invites teachers to turn the concept of documentation on its head… that even though it’s about the children … to honestly, courageously and consciously acknowledge that what teachers observe speaks volumes about the personal lens through which educators determine what is meaningful, what is worthy of their focus, their time… Ann explains the importance and impact of being fully mindful, fully present in the documentation process, with genuine curiosity, with a fresh and un-biased mindset, with self-awareness that makes room for, even welcomes, uncertainty and openness to new understandings.

Info and links to learn more about Ann Pelo’s ideas and offerings: