- Quick fire round
- How to change your identity from static to  fluid  
- How to get distance from your ego so you can realise your potential
- Deep dive into how you can use Ayahuasca (00:52 mins in)
- The future of centralised authority

Mike Bledsoe:
- Wildman and wearer of few clothes
- Founder of the incredibly popular Barbell Shrugged & The Bledsoe Show podcasts
- CEO of The Strong Coach
- Student and Coach of movement, behaviour, sexuality and alternative medicines

Follow Mike:
Insta @mike_bledsoe and @thestrongcoach

Follow Biff
Insta: @biffoly

Biff Bash Bosh
1. Representing the sound or action of delivering a series of blows.
2. Indicating something accomplished or completed simply.
3. A simple and hard hitting podcast by Biff.

Thanks for listening! 
The aim of this podcast is simple; it facilitates and archives the deep conversations i've had with exceptional human beings. If you have a suggestion for a future guest, please send them my way. 

Love Biff.