Dr. Baruch Korman of Loveisrael.org explains the timeline for biblical prophecy, and the end times sequence of events. You will not want to miss this detailed and succinct talk. 

For example, he discusses many questions people are asking.

Has the end time started?

Is this worldwide pandemic part of biblical prophecy?Is the Corona Virus part of the “birth pangs” that Christ mentioned in Matthew 24?Will the church go through the tribulation?When will the church be raptured (our blessed hope Titus 2:13)?What is ahead for believers?How can we prepare?Are you a disciple?

Some answers will give you comfort, and some will clarify. We look forward to the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Many people are hurting from the loss of jobs and lost family members to this virus, and thus we are sad. Not to mention the stress from being quarantined. 

Remember by His stripes, you are healed from sin, and now have everlasting life if you place your trust in Christ’s death and resurrection. 

Enjoy the video/podcast from Dr. Baruch and Rivka Korman and consider supporting this biblical teaching, which is going around the world. Please share and comment.