We want to find God's perspective in Scripture. This is His house and His rules. 

Have you ever been in a situation we don't have control over and feel trapped? God wants us to trust Him for redemption by obeying His Words. He may not get us out right away but the journey will be hard and amazing. We will grow in our faith to obey His word. 

In this chapter Moses and Aaron are in Egypt and they are speaking to the oppressed Hebrews that are in real trouble and suffering. With Covid 19 we can almost put ourselves there!

God is coming to the rescue in Exodus 5. This is a pattern in the gospels. They were in bondage to the world system in Egypt and when Jesus was on the scene and Christ said: “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sins is a slave of sin” John 8:34 So there is a spiritual side to bondage and Egypt is a typology of the world. Sin and obeying are themes in Exodus 5. Who will obey and who will not? But then who is affected by our obedience? We want God in our lives but are we ready to have our commitment to Him challenged? Let's take this lesson of worshiping Him during hard times and ask God for help during trials. 

“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  John 8:31a-32

And we will be free indeed regardless of our circumstances. Join Ric and Mary Joyner for this interesting and fun show.