Why? The 40 years Moses was in the wilderness was a preparation time, as much for Moses, as for the Hebrews. God wants to prepare us for service in His Kingdom. This "wilderness experience" of depending on God is especially true in the times we are currently living. Will we submit to His word before circumstances get beyond our control? Shall we turn to God now for help knowing His word, so we become prepared for the times ahead?  We can obey the Scripture by putting our hearts up against the Word of God, as Moses is now doing in Exodus 3 Part 3. Moses' choices changed him, and our choices to be in God's will change us as well. Can we see that obedience to God's revelation in His Word will give us power? Why? We are operating for His purposes and glory...not our own.

Here is a crucial bible study principle. We are not Moses. Thus we cannot live the way Moses lived. But is this a correct point of view? No.  The Holy Spirit is using the story of Moses to show us that we each have choices as Moses did. Moses's hard-earned lessons are ours if we receive them into our lives by asking the constant questions: "Lord, open my eyes, I want to obey you. How can I respond to You correctly?" The Lord will answer this prayer. When we approach Scripture, we can have this attitude.  

The revelation of the Lord will change our life like it did Moses. We can learn Moses' lessons. The goal of the Holy Spirit is for us to line up with God's plans and revelation. But be prepared, it means we will be changed! You will go on a journey with God.  

Let's join Ric and Mary Joyner of Bible Study Company for Podcast for Pewsitters: In whose shoes are we walking? God's or ours?