Most scholars believe the tabernacle in the wilderness is a pattern of worship. Mary and Ric take their husband and wife bible study of Exodus and discuss how the tabernacle in the wilderness is a pattern to be in God's house. All of us should long to be wherever God resides. Numbers 12 shows us that God spoke to Moses face to face. And Moses was part of God's household. WOW. Moses was obedient to God's word. He demonstrated faith by acting on it. We can study to obey God's word. We have the whole bible. Moses just began to start to write it! Now let us be a part of God's being one who obeys.

The tabernacle gives us a pattern of God's plan to become close to Him. We cannot worship any way we wish and hope to be part of God's household. We must always be willing to deal with our sin. How do we know we sin? God wants to reveal our hearts to us through the application of God's word.

God was so serious about dwelling with the children of Israel; He had two lambs slain each day so that in the morning and evening, we could put our sin on the lamb, knowing God was covering us with the "blood of the lamb" for the day. So we begin our worship by accepting the sacrifice of the lamb and repenting of our sin.  

In the video portion of this Podcast, Ric diagrams the tabernacle and shows it is laid out like a house. God's house and His rules. But our sin must be dealt with IN OUR HEARTS and with HIS HELP. The pattern in the tabernacle shows us instructions on how to worship God if we ask God for His assistance to understand.  

We then turn the chapter to Exodus 31, and God is speaking to Moses to select a man who is the son of... and the grandson of...In these names of men, we think the Holy Spirit is showing us the character of the man who would build the tabernacle by being filled with the Holy Spirit. We are filled the same way TO CARRY OUT GOD's will and Kingdom. Bezalel's name showed he wanted to be in the shadow of God. Do we?

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