My website and Instagram

Sally’s website, Instagram, and yoga Instagram

Sally’s YouTube Video on World Mental Heath Day. Healing and Transformation from an Eating Disorder

Brené Brown


You can find the show notes for this episode on my website

Also if you’re interested in finding more about connecting with your purpose, I have created a mini journaling exercise on Uncovering Your Values, which would be a really great starting point for you to start to explore this topic in more detail. If you’re on my website, you can sign up to my email newsletter and I will send you a copy.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the show and if any of this resonated with you. Please come and say hi and chat to Sally and I on Instagram, the links are in the show notes.


And if you have enjoyed today’s episode it would be great and very much appreciated if you could take a minute to subscribe and leave a review on your podcast app. As I mentioned at the beginning, it really does help and enables more people know about the show.

Thank you so much for listening and I’ll be back in 2 weeks with a VERY special guest. I can’t wait to share more about this one soon!