My website and Instagram

Karen’s website and Instagram
The Old Potato Store
How To Become An Interiors Stylist and What I’ve Learnt Doing The Job
Sas Petherick
Sara Tasker
Kayte Ferris - Simple & Season
Considered Magazine
91 Magazine
Object Style


I’d love to hear your thoughts on the things we discussed in today’s show, especially if you’re experiencing challenges at the moment following your creative path. Come and chat to Karen and I on Instagram, we’d love to hear from you.

Also, if you’ve enjoyed today’s episode it would be really  great and very much appreciated if you could take a minute to subscribe and leave a review on your podcast app. It makes a huge difference in getting more people to know about the show.

Thank you so much for listening. I’ll be back in 2 weeks with the next episode and a very exciting guest. But for now, I hope you have a lovely week! See you next time.