From Napoleon Hill to Robert Greene many mentors have recommended opting for focused pursuit of our skills in one or few areas that we are excellent at by calling them specialized knowledge and mastery respectively. Yet, taking the path of mastery seems quite old fashioned in the modern age when google can do almost anything for us. However, this could not be any further from the truth! Winning the future in any career or profession requires competing not only with other human players in that field but also with artificial intelligence and robotics that are being rapidly developed to put the majority of average performers in almost all fields out of job, from business and finance to medicine and healthcare and even in arts and humanities! However, committing to developing mastery level skills in your chosen field makes you immune against being outperformed by others or replaced by technologies. In this short talk Daniel will tell you why it is important to commit to excellence, how you can become a master in your field, and how you can make changes to your social circle so that mastery can be maintained and developed.