There is no denying the damage caused by the coronavirus pandemic and any single one of the deaths caused by this incident is one too many. However, just like the lives lost on September 11th 2001 led to the operation Iraqi Freedom and the formation of a new world order, Covid19 has been used by world leaders in a manner that has undermined liberalism, human rights, and privacy of people all over the world. In this episode of Beyond the Present podcast Daniel and Pouya discuss how world leaders have gained an upper edge over the people they are elected to serve by being given the right to lock down entire cities, enrich their facial recognition databases to recognize people even while wearing masks, monitor the movements of citizens, use smartphones to openly track their movements 24/7, and above all show complete disregard for free enterprise and entrepreneurship. Suddenly an overly exaggerated virus has made it seem normal or even legitimate for modern governments in the developed world to undermine liberty, a value that the entire modern civilized world is founded upon. Make sure not to miss out on this episode to find out how the pandemic could have been managed differently!