My mother always said that I had a face for radio. Perhaps that’s why I’m speaking to you in a podcast form, not a video format. I remember my first time on TV, I was promoting the FITposium conference. I was aggressively nervous. I wore a nice suit, I tucked in my shirt, and I made sure to comb my hair and shave. But, I was a pile of sweat for a segment that lasted a sum total of 30 seconds. 

Meanwhile, anytime I did a radio show, I did excellent. I was once being interviewed by a radio host and he turned to me after the segment and said, “Wow, James. You’re really good on the mic. Have you ever considered a career in radio?” 

But we’re not talking about radio today, we’re talking about the thing that does give me anxiety; being on camera. 

My guest today is TV host and media coach, Haddie Djemal.

“You have to stand by your value and the only person who sets that value is you.”


Big life changes and Haddie’s story. Breaking into the market. Competing with others in your industry. Classroom experience vs. real life experience. Why building relationships are important. Creating boundaries for what you want and sticking to them. Learning to encourage yourself and not needing external validation. Owning who you are. Self-awareness and staying curious. Helpful keys to networking.

Connect with James 


Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 

Connect with Haddie


Instagram: @haddiethehost

YouTube: Haddie Djemal

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