In my lifetime, I’ve sat down to write about 5,242 different books. In my lifetime, I’ve actually been able to finish two of them. One was an ebook (I get it, not a traditional book). But this ebook went on to not only net me a significant amount of revenue, it also helped brand me as a subject matter expert in a very specific field. From this ebook, I even created an online membership platform that is still running to this day, almost 10 years later.

The second book was an independently published print publication. I was able to get this book onto a #1 list on Amazon. Although I wasn’t “raking in the dough,” this book opened a lot of doors for me. Four years later, this book still opens doors for me. It lands me interviews on TV shows, magazines, podcasts, stages, and continues to build trust and rapport with my audience.

Today, we are diving into why you can write your own book and what it can do for your brand. My guest today is Julie Broad, the founder of Book Launchers.

“Sales are great, but we’re using this to grow our business.”


Why writing a book is still important today. Stop worrying about who’s publishing your book. Traditional vs. Independent publishing. Your book rights. Building your writing team and who you shouldn’t leave out. Being discovered with key words and phrases. Giving credit to original sources. What readers really care about. The difference in timelines when self-publishing. Why narrow-focused books do better than general books. Strategically picking your book categories. Chapter titles and why they matter. Marketing your book. Why you are still hesitating to write your book. Resources to help get you to the next step.

Connect with James 


Instagram: @jpatrickphoto

Text me marketing questions @: 480-605-3254 

Connect with Julie

Website: Book Launchers Business Book

YouTube: Book Launchers TV

Writing Resources

Website: Book Launchers

Book: Self-Publish & Succeed

Hiring Editors: Reedsy

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