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Today’s episode is an important conversation to have and first, I want to explain why we are having it. Last week, I was on Instagram, and a magazine I work with posted a behind the scenes video of one of their photo shoots. Watching the video, something jumped out at me that was a little bit odd. 

The subject in the photoshoot is doing a deadlift and in the background, there is a guy staring at her. I laughed at first, for a couple reasons. I made a comment about laughing at this guy and I got an interesting response. We’re unpacking the objectification of women who choose to use their brand to promote themselves and what it means with a dear friend of mine, Jordan Wiggins. 

Dr. Jordin Wiggins is a Naturopathic Doctor, Women’s Sexual Health Disruptor and author. She is revolutionizing the way we deliver, educate, and talk about sexual health, wellness, and pleasure for women. Dr. Wiggins helps entrepreneurs and professional women have as much success in their relationships as they do in their careers through learning to receive, trust, and attract.

“Consent is verbal and consent is ongoing.”


What happened on Instagram that spurred this conversation. What consent really is.  The double standard women face.  Why women are allowed to be sexual, but not sexualized.  Dealing with outdated beliefs The realities of how women are treated versus how men are treated and how it affects women overall.  Knowing that you can’t understand experiences that don’t happen to you.  The suppression of women's sexuality.  The trauma of not being believed when you speak out about sexual abuse you went through as a women.   Women’s bodies are NOT property.  What happens when a country legalizes sex work.  The strength in having conversations about sex.  The truth about websites like OnlyFans and consensual porn.  Defining the yes’s and the no’s. How to make changes moving forward.

Connect with Jordin

Send her a DM on IG: @drjordinwiggins

Podcast: The Pleasure Principles Podcast

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