What do you think about when you think of entrepreneurship? Some views of what it is could include sitting on the couch watching football with my son, fancy cars, expensive clothes, extravagant trips, and showing off all these thighs over social media in order to get your audience to buy into your lifestyle.

When you are thinking of quitting your job it’s important to define what entrepreneurship is to you and what your goal is. We are diving into this and more on today’s episode!

“It’s almost as if one becomes an entrepreneur more for the perception of being seen as an entrepreneur than or the actual work of being an entrepreneur.”


Misperceptions of what entrepreneurship is. Clearly defining why you want to be an entrepreneur. Common entrepreneur sayings that aren’t completely true. The truth about time when you own your own business. Freedom of choice and control as an entrepreneur. Expenses you are responsible for when you are on your own. How to become confident in leaving your job. Figuring out expenses and why it’s important. Dong what it takes to make it. Breaking down what you need to do in specific numbers in order to achieve your goals. Not being afraid to ask for help.

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