Previous Episode: CRUCIBLE HACKS 2: Refined

Beliefs and values … two connected building blocks of the road that leads you to a life of significance. But how do you know what yours are -- and how do you make sure they line up with each other? That’s the focus of this third episode of our special summer series, CRUCIBLE HACKS.
Warwick and Gary offer you a pair of hacks this week – one to help you identify your beliefs, called Be the Change. And one to help you bring those beliefs to bear on your day-to-day life, which we’ve whimsically called Know Thyself, By George after George Harrison of the Beatles.  Why? Press play..   As you do, you’ll keep gaining insights into building the road to your life of significance.

To use the values worksheet discussed in this episode:

Direct landing page for download form:

Free resources page on website:

To explore Beyond the Crucible assets, including our free Life of Significance assessment, visit   Have a question or comment? Drop us a line at [email protected]

Beliefs and values … two connected building blocks of the road that leads you to a life of significance. But how do you know what yours are -- and how do you make sure they line up with each other? That’s the focus of this third episode of our special summer series, CRUCIBLE HACKS. Warwick and Gary offer you a pair of hacks this week – one to help you identify your beliefs, called Be the Change. And one to help you bring those beliefs to bear on your day-to-day life, which we’ve whimsically called Know Thyself, By George after George Harrison of the Beatles.  Why? Press play..   As you do, you’ll keep gaining insights into building the road to your life of significance. To use the values worksheet discussed in this episode:

Direct landing page for download form:

Free resources page on website:

To explore Beyond the Crucible assets, including our free Life of Significance assessment, visit   Have a question or comment? Drop us a line at [email protected]