Finding the healing in heartache and hard times is not easy -- but it is an absolutely indispensable step we all must take to recover from a crucible experience.   This week, in episode 2 of our special summer series CRUCIBLE HACKS, Warwick and Gary share how you can understand how you were refined by the challenges you’ve faced. They share two hacks that will help you find beauty from the ashes of those setbacks and failures. One involves facing the demons of what went wrong and finding a way to turn them into angels; the other is creating a 3 by 5 card – that is, jotting down three to 5 lessons your trauma or tragedy taught you – and even looking for blessings attached to those lessons.   The bottom line: “In order to reframe,” as Warwick says, “you’ve got to do the inner work.”   To explore Beyond the Crucible assets, including our free Life of Significance assessment, visit  

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