11: Get some guidelines that will help you invest smarter so you can make your money work for you (while avoiding silly mistakes along the way).

“…but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” wrote Ben Franklin. He could have added something like “and the fact that inflation will eat away the buying power of your cash over time” and likely still would have had a point.

It’s this fact that makes investing — especially when you’re young and have a long time horizon to when you need to start tapping the nest egg you can begin building today — a critical step to take if you want to walk the path to wealth.

In this episode, we lead an investing 101 conversation and cover some of the most important topics you need to think about before you invest, including:

How to set up a truly diversified portfolio What to think about when it comes to risk Ways to set up your asset allocation (and keep it in balance) The right mindset to have around your investments How to manage your emotions around the markets

…and more. Full show notes at www.beyondyourhammock.com/11