30: The most common thing that stops people from achieving their highest financial potential? Themselves.

"Learned helplessness" is a phenomenon that can stop you from making the progress you're capable of, and it happens when you experience struggle or suffering that you feel is out of your control — and if you practice this subconscious habit, it can prevent you from seeing, and acting on, what you can control to make your financial situation better.

We all face hard times and difficult choices in our lives. What often makes the difference between someone who pushes through and carries on to an eventual positive outcome and someone who tends to stay stuck and struggling is how we interpret the things that happen to us.

Today, we discuss the most common mental roadblocks we see that stop capable people with a lot of potential from reaching the financial success within their power to achieve — as well as how you can address your own mental blocks to clear your path to your goals and the life you really want to live.