Success often isn’t about what you know, but who you know. Although, that’s easier said than done, isn’t it? Everyone tells you to network, but no one tells you how to do it. If you’ve ever struggled with networking or reach out to an expert you could learn from or been afraid to connect with a leader who could help you, then this episode is for you. You’ll learn the secrets of building powerful and influential relationships –and exactly, how to grow your network. Our guest today is Pat Hedley, TedX Speaker, and Author of the book Meet 100 People.

Pat is an investor, advisor and founder and CEO of The Path Ahead. Pat spent 30 years in the private equity world with global growth investor, General Atlantic. Now, in her role as an independent investor, Pat identifies high growth companies in which she invests and takes on advisory roles. Throughout her career, Pat has observed what it takes for business leaders to succeed and attributes even her own success to the power of relationships.

In this episode, Pat provides motivation, inspiration and practical advice for building your network. She shares expert insights on creating meaningful relationships that will provide life-long value. She provides a framework to determine what you need, so you can reach out to those who can help you. And she gives tips and pointers on the right way to approach new people, how to connect with them, and what helps to build authentic relationships.


[02:25] Pat’s journey

[06:22] One conversation can change your path

[13:19] Overcoming fear

[17:41] Turning rejection into successful outcomes

[21:38] Common traits of successful leaders

[26:35] “Meet 100 People”

[33:53] Building your network

[41:03] Challenge yourself to make things specific

[43:30] Daily habits to building successful relationships

[52:33] Growth mentality

[54:03] Biggest trends impacting business

[58:17] How to get future-ready


“I did not need to be an expert in everything or in fact, in anything, what I needed to do well, was needed find people who had that expertise.” – Pat Hedley

“In a business setting when someone says, no, this doesn't work for me, it might only mean that the timing is not right, or that the timing is not right, in this way.” – Pat Hedley

“One of the most important things that an entrepreneur or a senior executive thinks about, day to day, is to make sure that they have the right talent in place, that they retain that talent, that they continue to motivate that talent.” – Pat Hedley

“Anything that you practice often and regularly, you can become better at.” – Pat Hedley

“People are willing to help you if you approach them the right way. If you'e specific about what you need and what you would like, if you can ask the right questions and ask for the assistance that you need, you will get help.” – Pat Hedley

“A no today does not mean a no tomorrow.” – Pat Hedley

“Persistence should not be undervalued or underestimated ever. Persistence is what wins the game. Persistence is what wins marathons.” ‘ Pat Hedley

“There is real talent in recognizing how to take this great idea that you've started with, and then scale it over time.” – Pat Hedley

“Entrepreneurs who are good at networking and good at relationship building, really do have an edge.” – Pat Hedley

“It's important to approach relationship building with a spirit of generosity, you're for sure going to learn in the process of meeting someone and talking to someone, but also approach it with the thought that you're going to give something to.” – Pat Hedley

“On networking, the first and most important thing is to look within yourself and to figure out what you need and what you want.” – Pat Hedley

“Talk to people who are very different from you, because sometimes those people can inspire you in ways you cannot predict.” – Pat Hedley

“You need to know where you're going in order to figure out how to get there.” – Pat Hedley

“Treat every relationship as if you're going to see the person again.” – Pat Hedley

“It's incumbent upon each one of us to share what's important to us, or to be specific about what we might need.” – Pat Hedley

“I think that the future is in customization, applying data and technology to making things efficient and easy for us.” - Pat Hedley

About Pat Hedley:

Pat is an investor, advisor and the author of Meet 100 People. As the founder and CEO of The Path Ahead, Pat identifies high growth companies in which she invests and takes on either formal or informal advisory roles. Since 2016, Pat has invested in over a dozen innovative private companies, more than half led by women.

Prior to her current role, Pat spent 30 years with global growth investor, General Atlantic, most recently as managing director. While at General Atlantic, Pat was an investor focused on software and services and led the firm’s global marketing and human capital efforts. She began her career as a consultant with Bain & Company. Pat is a graduate of Dartmouth College with a degree in computer science and holds an MBA from the Harvard Business School.

Inspired by the experiences of thousands of people she has interacted with over her own thirty-year career, Pat wrote Meet 100 People to encourage us all to proactively and consistently meet people in person. Her goal is not only to inspire but to provide practical steps to expanding your network. Pat speaks regularly at colleges, to alumni groups and to corporations. She gave a TedX Talk at Dartmouth College in 2018.



