Many men have not been told how to process and talk about their emotional experiences, furthering a sense of isolation, anger, and resentment. For these men, this creates an emotional volatility that can sometimes manifest in seeming “shut down” in relationships and friendships. At its worst, this budding resentment can manifest in outward expression of anger, aggression, and even violence. .....Unrealistic expectations based on gender and race often keep many Black men (and other men of color) out of therapy. The stereotype is that men don’t even like to ask for directions! You can imagine how hard it is to say to another person out loud, “I think I need some help.” It is a circular problem we experience. In order for Black men to get help, they must open up enough to let someone know that they need help. But in order to open up and ask for help, they have to crack the cool facade that bell hooks talks about in her works. As a Black man myself, I’ve felt that tension (and sometimes still do). I’ve also seen my clients struggle through letting themselves be in a vulnerable position, even while sitting across from someone who looks just like them. In most instances, Black men have not grown up believing that their internal emotional lives have inherent and productive value. This needs to change. 
.... here how to get in touch with Kristal #blackmentalhealthmatters #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #blackmentalwellness #blacktherapist #blacklove #selflove #therapyforblackmen #blacklivesmatter #therapy #mentalhealthmatters #minoritymentalhealth #selfcare #blackmaletherapist #mentalillness #blackgirlmagic #psychology #blackexcellence #generationalhealing #blackmen #breakthecycle #healing #blackqueens #blackkings #selfawareness #anxiety #therapyforblackwomen #mentalwellbeing #bhfyp


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