I'm Anne Livingston, My journey through healing addiction began in an unintentional way. I didn’t know I was addicted to anything or anyone. When I hired my first coach in 2016, I hired him to help me heal my lingering trauma from being raped at 18. Through working with him, I began to uncover my codependent patterns in my relationship, which later I connected to my addiction to food and alcohol.
Addiction started as a void within me. It was a void I couldn’t seem to fill, no matter how much I ate, drank, or received love from others. It was a never ending cycle of not feeling like enough. I didn’t feel like enough, causing me to overindulge in something external to try and fill that void. Once the overindulgence happened, the guilt set in and the cycle of not enoughness continued.
My addiction cycle led me straight to God. I didn’t find God through going to AA meetings. I found God as I was curled up, crying on my bathroom floor, praying for something to love me when I couldn’t love myself. I didn’t officially begin my healing journey until months later, but that was my first step in admitting I couldn’t heal by myself. I needed God’s help.

www.annelivingstoncoaching.com Follow Anne on social media http://www.annelivingstoncoaching.com/annethenomad/


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