Sherill Fuller a Mother of two & Mompreneur. Currently based in Birmingham, UK and in the process of preparing to Exist 🇬🇧 in Exchange for Ghana 🇬🇭🔥 Her new OnlineShow is called SherilltalksAfrica on YouTube, She's Passionate about promoting Africa to change mindsets and show its beauty. Its essential we bring our skills home by building businesses, creating jobs and building the AfricianEconomy together. Her channel is all about Showcasing Realtalk & content to support the British Disapora & Returnees Connect to the Continent 🔥 There are 54 Countries in Africa so lets build Africa together The Motherland is Beautiful !! So Ms Fuller starting a New Movement to support those from UK looking to Connect with Africa. She quoted " The Ancestors have been speaking to me in my soul for years now! So it's time to Ignite this assignment I have been given. " ✅Facebook




#returntoafrica #africa #diaspora #nigeria #policebrutality #thenowafrica #supportblackbusiness #nowafrica #africanamerican #endsars #intouchafrica #diasporaaffairs #britishafrican #africadiaspora #africacreatives #returnees #moveback #travelafrica #londontolagos #lagostolondon #blacklivesmatter #fortheculture #blackfirlsrock #youtubengcreators #ijgb #britishgirl #theyearofreturn #creativeconnect #covidrelief #bhfyp


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