After a 20-year struggle with porn, I finally found someone who could help me break free for good. During that process, I felt called to help other men with this same struggle.
​I spent the next nine years in University earning my Master’s Degree in Psychology…nine years and THOUSANDS of hours pursuing this ONE goal and ONE question: How does this help men break free from pornography?
​Over the last five years I have worked with hundreds of men in my Private Practice, honing a proven Battle Tested System.
……….Most people that become addicted to porn will start watching it from an early age. In fact, those as young as thirteen often watch porn either on their own or with their friends. Porn can damage health.Medical experts are now warning that regularly watching porn could have an adverse effect on the brain by essentially rewiring it. The act of having sex or watching pornography results in the brain releasing the chemical dopamine, which is responsible for pleasure and reward. But as a Christian porn is also affect your soul .


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