Meeting Mike Farrell was cool.  There is no other way to say […]

Meeting Mike Farrell was cool.  There is no other way to say it.  I grew up watching M*A*S*H and felt like I already knew him.  This feeling was only amplified by reading his very personal and heartfelt memoir JUST CALL ME MIKE. So when I saw Mike heading across the floor of the Chicago Green Festival, I ran right up to him and said “Hi Mike” as if we were old friends.  Of course he was a bit perplexed.  I realized my gaffe right away and quickly introduced myself.  As a famous actor, I’m sure he gets that kind of thing all the time so he was very gracious.

Once I got my foot out of my mouth, and the startstruck look off my face, we sat down for a great interview where we talked about Mike’s activism, his childhood, his book tour road trip – and yes, just a teensy bit about M*A*S*H.

I hope you enjoy the interview! Click here to check out more great authors talking about their books on our podcast page!