Greg Palast is a character.  And I mean that in the best […]

Greg Palast is a character.  And I mean that in the best possible way.  This is a guy you want at your dinner parties.  Sadly, I don’t actually have dinner parties – but if I did, Greg Palast would always get an invite.  From his signature hat to his biting wit and his unforgiving commentary, Greg will keep you laughing until he’s made a difference.

The way the schedule worked out at the recent Chicago Green Festival, I was able to sit in on Greg’s lecture before I interviewed him.  It’s always great when I can do that as it gives me whole new level of understanding about an author that I don’t always get by just reading their books.  Listening to Greg Palast talk, I sort of wished I could grow up to be him.  He is fearless in both where he goes and what he says.  He takes chances many of us would never dare to – and he says what he thinks whether you like it or not.

When we sat down for the interview, we talked (and laughed) not only about some of the details of the book ARMED MADHOUSE, but also about some of Greg’s current work which you can see on the Palast Investigates DVDs.

I hope you enjoy the interview! Click here to check out more great authors talking about their books on our podcast page!