Talk about a page turner.  Lisa Unger’s DIE FOR YOU gets going […]

Talk about a page turner.  Lisa Unger’s DIE FOR YOU gets going on page one and never really lets up.   And though it really moves, somehow the characters (especially Isabelle), really come to life and some big issues are tackled.  Lies, secrets, love and family to name a few.

I had the opportunity to speak to Lisa on the phone recently about her latest book, why you should consider it for book club and what the genre of literary suspense actually is.  We also tackled some of the big questions in the book like “Was love really real if it didn’t last?”, and “Does someone have to know all your secrets in order to truly know you?”.

Though this was the first Lisa Unger book I had read, it will definitely not be the last.

I hope you enjoy the interview! Click here to check out more great authors talking about their books on our podcast page!