As 2021 draws towards a close I'm sharing the best tips shared by great guests in 2021. Part 2 will be published on Dec 27th.  Here are those tips:

Joseph Fung from Uvaro - a question to ask yourself: 'Do I have the right understanding of the customers problem?Don Markland - Global Sales Strategist - the 4C's of accountability - Continuous Learning, Correct Failure, Celebrate Growth, Crush MediocrityPete Ryan - Co-Sell - focusing on the human part of the saleDaz Stephens - Kinetic Energy Nutrition - take nutrition and well being seriously in the workplace Jason Osborn - Impact for Leads - 3 Linked In tips - make your headline a benefit, ensure your about section focuses on your customer not you, communicate with value Kurian Tharakan - Strategy Peak - The 7 essential stories charismatic leaders tell. Simon Severino - Strategy Sprints - Making your company irresistible to clients Joey Donovan Guido - Cuppa Seo - Better on-line marketingEA Csolovitz - Givers University - why givers earn 3x takers Laura Walker - Mind Coach helping you avoid avoiding business burn out 

This is episode 195 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast -  the previous 194 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link.  To find out how more about how I can help you with your sales challenges in 2022 please follow this link. For presentation coaching programmes, including helping you deliver that key presentation please follow this link

If you or your company are keen to get better at sales and presentations in 2022 and you think you might need some help to make that happen let's have a 15-20 minute informal no obligation no charge chat on Zoom. Simply click on this link to make that happen.

To find out more and potentially purchase my book please click here: 12 Business Lessons from Running and UltraMarathon. 

Thanks for listening. If you like the show please do leave a review via your podcast app. or comment in Linked in or share with others. Any / all of those actions would be much appreciated.


Here's how you can connect with me, Trevor Lee, and find out more about how I can help you deliver confident and successful presentations and sales pitches.

15 Minute Free 'How can I help you' Zoom call:


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