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I’m on a mission to persuade B2B presenters to use PowerPoint slides better

And to use PowerPoint slides better often starts with creating slides that are a prompt for the audience not a script for the speaker

And that means slides that don’t contain background images, multiple images, bullet points and words written in sentences

So here’s a challenge to help you use PowerPoint slides better

Start with one word and then work up if you need to

This episode was inspired by an event I went to very recently where one of the two speakers had slides that looked as though they came from a different era, they were absolutely jam-packed with information overload and the guy used six or seven slides all of which were exactly the same in this style of information overload, indeed every slide was the same exact layout

Also in this episode are some reminders about how to ensure if you are running a local event you pick the right speakers. Just because someone is knowledgeable in their area doesn’t mean they are going to be a good speaker for your audience

And at the same event I was inspired, as I share in this episode, to remind listeners of some of the best ways of ensuring if you run a Q&A at your event it runs on time and is smooth in its delivery. At this event they used an online app for the audience to submit questions but then even though they were running very short of time decided to have a panel of four people to answer the questions and the host picked the first question rather than the best question and then proceeded to allow all four panellists to answer it, with all their answers being  far too long

My suggestion is that in the circumstances you pick the best questions, you brief the panel in advance as to how it’s going to run and that should be that you will invite one or two of the panellists to comment on each question but for no more than 20 or 30 seconds

As in previous episodes the big problem with the Q&A at any level is that the speaker or presenter or pitcher spends too long answering each question

I mentioned in the podcast a free listener download. It is a short guide to help you deliver better, more confident and more successful Virtual Presentations. Click here to download it. No name or email address needed!

This is episode 236 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast -  the previous 235 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link

To find out how more about how I can help you deliver confident, impactful, memorable and action inducing presentations please follow this

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