It is easy to think that a 5 minute presentation delivery and construction is a piece of cake - you don't need many slides, by the time you start its over so not much to worry about, and you definitely won't dry up.
The trouble is that most 5 minute presentation delivery isn't great they are poorly constructed and badly delivered and thus fail to create the impact and audience momentum that they could.
In this episode I'm going to share with you some 'rules' that will help you deliver a flowing, impactful, momentum gathering five minute presentation.
Follow these rules and you will stand out from the crowd, be more memorable than the crowd and ensure that your audience know exactly what you want them to do next.

The rules include:

Practising to deliver in four minutes not fiveTaking twice as much time to prepare a five minute presentation as you do a 25 minute presentationNot talking about yourself at the beginningUsing props not slides 

This is episode 205 of the Better Presentations More Sales podcast -  the previous 204 episodes are available on your usual podcast app or you can listen and download them via this link.  

To find out how more about how I can help you deliver confident, impactful, memorable and action inducing presentations in 2022 please follow this link

Before you book any training or coaching with me it is important for you to be sure that I’m the right person for you or your team so let's have a 15-20 minute informal no obligation no charge chat on Zoom. Simply click on this link to make that happen.

To find out more and potentially purchase my book please click here: 12 Business Lessons from Running and UltraMarathon. 

Thanks for listening. If you like the show please do leave a review via your podcast app. or comment in Linked in or share with others. Any / all of those actions would be much appreciated

Here's how you can connect with me, Trevor Lee, and find out more about how I can help you deliver confident and successful presentations and sales pitches.

15 Minute Free 'How can I help you' Zoom call:


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