How has technology changed the world of dating and finding love?


In some ways, the Internet has made it easier to meet and connect with people outside our immediate social circle. Yet it’s also exploded our options, and the choices can be paralysing. So finding love could be more challenging.


Sara and co-host Prescott (, discuss the impact that online dating has had on our psyches, and whether we still believe in romance.


Or if ghosting and unsolicited dick pics have gotten in the way.


We are also joined by Lauryn Huang, the ex-CEO of Grouvly, a dating and matchmaking agency based in Singapore.


As a trained matchmaker, Lauryn is a staunch believer in love and wants to help people find real connection. Often she helps clients who have become jaded with swiping, online dating and want a more personal touch.


In addition to finding her clients tailored matches, she also coaches them on how to become the most fulfilled and attractive people they can be.


She talks Sara and Prescott through setting up a matchmaking profile, and reveals the mojo behind her matchmaking methodology… to hilarious results!


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