Career Game Plan | What are the 7 reasons you should have a leadership roadmap? What are you missing out on if you don't? Why does having one early in your career matter?

Do you have a leadership roadmap?
Avoid wasting time hesitating or missing opportunities
#7 — Uplift in tough times and course-correct
#6 — Align with your boss on goals and options
#5 — Start conversations earlier to socialise your ideas and make the ask
The BC Rulebook — Rule #6 Lass Haste, More Strategy — socialising ideas early
#4 — Identify the allies you need — allies, mentors, coaches, family, friends
#3 — Highlight gaps in your skills and plan how to close them
Leaders Who Coach™ Growth Roadmap model
#2 — Go and get those new skills and allies
Leadership development programme — how about Leaders Who Coach™?
Increase in self-awareness, confidence, capacity to be in important conversations for ownership and accountability
#1 — Clarify your thinking, grow your confidence

#leadershiproadmap #career #promotion #growth #betterconversations #leadershowcoach

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Creator of 5-Star Rated Leaders Who Coach™ CPD Certified Course that leaders are describing as ”Transformational!” ”Game-changer!” ”Secret sauce to high-performing businesses”, Sehaam Cyrene is also the author of No.1 Amazon Best Seller in Business Management & Leadership, The Better Conversations Rulebook.

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