Did you know questioning parts of yourself after a major life change, transition or stressful time in life, is normal?

You might be feeling lost without the partner you’ve had for years by your side, without the job that gave your life purpose and meaning, after the loss of a loved one or after discovering what you once believed to be true to you, is no longer.

In this episode, I share about the identity crisis you might be experiencing and what you can do to embrace this time in order to live more authentically.

You will learn ways to begin the process of self discovery and reflection to answer the questions, "Who am I?" "Where have I been?" "Where am I going?"

I will show you how to use this time as an opportunity to go through the process of connecting to the truest version of yourself and ignite your soul at a core level to live a life fuller and more empowered.

Go here to join the community of women creating a life Better Because of It. https://www.ubwellstudio.com/

© 2021 Kristine Vineyard