Since I was a young maiden, I attempted to find an alternative solution to [w]a(r). I innocently thought what about a chess match or just a one on one wrestling match. However, my father would point out the limitations to this approach. Here decades later, understanding even more the sobering truth of the wizard of O(z)! As I looked beyond the beyond the VEil, I was left with a deep knowing to encourage everyone to practice LOVE. 

See it was the wizard’s idea to script out the great divide. Which was an invitation to oppress, divide, argue and forget. The divine exists in all of us. No matter what you want to call the divinity…it is a power that cannot be destroyed and exists in all of you. That POWER is LOVE. 

As inspired, take many moments to reacquaint yourself with the mystery that runs through all things. If you choose to embrace that POWER…you will harness LOVe. May you hold it with great care and share it with reckless abandon. May you see it within yourself, in others and everywhere.  As I see it…you are divine LOVE. 

Today's...Saturday New Moon Arrived at October 14, 2023 at

10:55 am PDT coupled with a Solar Eclipse began at Nine:13 AM PDT. Entering into CYCLE NINE.


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