“Walk to the Well.

Turn as the earth and the moon turn,

circling what they love.

Whatever circles comes from the center." ~ Rumi

This week we look towards 'certainty'. In addition, we explore the responsibility and opportunity that exists within the present moment. An opportunity to be in service with awareness for the benefit of all. As inspired, slow down, look in and be with where your innate wisdom is directing your attention.

“The heart is a The thousand-stringed instrument that can only be tuned with Love.” ~ Hafez


‘Sun Beam' by Cadre Scott 
Random Rab

Sound Suzanne Toro 

Production brought to you by OmToro Wellness + Media

Mind Training: 
8 Limbs Yoga Session: 

Humanity + Earth Friendly Goodies:

Living Tea 
Formula Flawless 

Balance + Focus Quick Link 
Ora Cacoa 
Book: SunPlay