On today’s episode of the Being Well Podcast, Dr. Hanson and Forrest talk about a particularly challenging aspect of the strength of determination: fierceness. They explore how the ‘feral’ parts of our mind can be a powerful resource, and how we can use that inner strength rather than be used by it.


0:40: What does “fierceness” mean?

3:20: How fierceness fuels determination.

5:20: Is how we think about fierceness defined by our individual experience?

6:20: Different ways to think about the ‘feral’ experience.

8:45: The difficulty in articulating this material.

9:15: Using all the material in the psyche as a potential resource.

12:00: Pitfalls relating to fierceness.

16:20: The burden of proof when being fierce.

18:00: The two pitfalls related to fierceness.

19:30: Increasing our comfort with fierceness.

24:50: Strengthening our own cores.

27:25: Taming the beast by allowing it to run.

28:55: Recap