Song Effusive Episode 3 – Carry the Water by Eros and the Eschaton

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

By Cherie Rae Cobbs

I’m listening to “Carry the Water” by Eros and the Eschaton. I am driving in my car through the heart, bedrock and bone of inexplicable vastness that defines the great American Southwest.

I have come via heavenly haunted Santa Fe, industriously sprawling Albuquerque, to the sleepy, perfumed streets of Hatch, New Mexico. I follow my finger down the line of my map to the boarder of Arizona and the sun is relentless, burning my pale, midwestern skin through the windows.

My foot is numb from resting on the gas pedal for these thousand miles. My eyes are slow to receive the stimuli and too apathetic to interpret the surroundings, which have now washed into shades of mellow copper and muted sage. My thoughts are vacant and calm, save the nod of my body as I soak in the cool, welcome deluge of this picture perfect tune.

I unroll the window that separates me from the earth in an effort to get closer. My hand charges out against the frenzied force of an ancient and eager wind that seems hell bent on pushing me ever backward in suggestion perhaps, of where I belong. I am reminded of my own insignificance but at the same time the sheer rightness of my place in this time, in this spot, in this minute. I awaken my body and spirit which has fallen so deeply victim to highway hypnosis. I will rouse my cares to action and brace myself to receive everything the world is urging me to see, if only for now.