I recently had the chance to sit down with Tom Murphy. For those of you that don't know, Tom is a music writer for the Westword here in Denver. Tom is not only a writer, he is a musician himself and local music enthusiast.

Armed with an extensive database (that he himself has created and maintained), Tom has positioned himself, in my opinion, as one of the foremost experts on Denver's diverse music scene both past and present.

In this episode, Tom shares with us his fascinating history and how he got into writing. He also gives some tips for aspiring writers who would like to get into music and tips for local musicians who would like to know how to get those writers to notice their work.

I also asked Tom to give me a band that he thinks more people should know about. He clued me into a local guy here who produces wonderful music under the name French Kettle Station.

Listen to the full interview here on coscene.net or by subscribing to CoScene through RSS and ITunes,