Song Effusive Episode 2 – Glass Jaw by OKO TYGRA

Friday, April 15, 2015

By Cherie Rae Cobbs

I'm listening to ‘Glass Jaw’ by Denver's own Oko Tygra. This song falls quickly in step to the mood of restless thought and bares the necessity of a deeply exhaled sigh that delivers one, crisp, clear message "I want to wake up somewhere else." And what this means, is somewhere else long-term because this condition is far more than simple wanderlust. One needs less an agenda-riddled, long-weekend style mini-break, a far and away exotic and overpriced vacation, or a trip to recharge nerve and bones but rather a real, honest to goodness move. A move away, a move out, a definitive move on. But this resolution presents itself in the shape of a cry more than a carefully evaluated decision.

Come to find the streets we walk, the stores we shop, the route we habitually resign ourselves to, at once, in unison with the crumbling sidewalk corners sing in a thick, luscious chorus - “GET OUT". And once heard, a force resolves you to wake up, get out of your house and start over again. When your eyes are tired of looking at your dying devices because of the thinness of solitary, voyeuristic witnessing and your legs ache from being tucked underneath your lap so long that you yearn only for a sense of belonging in a fresh, cold river of unfamiliar and complete anonymity.

And were you to find yourself emboldened and out of excuses, you get the few things that matter most, and pack a bag. You pack a car. You pack your mindset. In this way you are opened. In this way you are free.

You pack your shit.
You bag the trash.
You curb the fear.
You want for the road.
You crave to hunger again.
You wish to get lost.
You pray for chaos.
You dream to taste.
You tape your boxes.
You make the call and that call is now a plan in motion, coming off the page.
You stop waiting for a shoe to drop.
You silence him or her.
You shift your ground.
You break one heart in exchange for your own.
You change your mind.
You change what matters.
You reach out, in and around doubt.